
How to Remove External Hemorrhoids At Home?

External hemorrhoids

Commonly referred to as piles, external hemorrhoids can cause excessive discomfort in the form of itching, cracking, and bleeding. Do you have a habit of sitting on the toilet for too long? Or do you end up pushing too hard? The chances are that you may be contributing to the problem.

This is because hemorrhoids are majorly a result of straining while experiencing a bowel movement. While severe cases may require surgical intervention, most cases can also be treated at home.

Hence, this article is aimed at providing you with an insight on how to remove external hemorrhoids at home.

Stay Wary of the Following Risk Factors

While straining is known to be the number one cause of hemorrhoids, it isn’t the only one. Here are some other possible causes to stay wary of:

  • Sitting or standing for a long period
  • Obesity
  • A diet low in fiber
  • Lifting heavy weights and other objects
  • Ascites (a condition that places additional pressure on your intestines and stomach)
  • Pregnancy

It’s also important to note that the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids tends to increase with age since the tissues lining your sphincter and anus become thinner. As a result, they’re unable to withstand any pressure from straining and pushing.

How Do External Hemorrhoids Differ from Internal Hemorrhoids?

For one, the location stands as the most obvious distinction between internal and external hemorrhoids. As the name suggests, the former usually develops inside the rectum and is painless, whereas the latter may protrude from the anus, causing more pain.

Prevention Is Better than Cure

While there are several ways to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids, preventing them by taking adequate measures beforehand is by far the best way to minimize complications. The primary way to do so is avoiding the development of dry, hard stools and constipation. Here are some tips to prevent the onset of external hemorrhoids.

  • Avoid delaying visits to the bathroom and use it only when necessary
  • Avoid sitting on the toilet for too long
  • Incorporate some form of physical activity in your routine as it promotes natural bowel movement
  • Increase your fiber intake through cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, and fresh fruits
  • Ensure plenty of water intake

In case of recurring hemorrhoids and constipation problems, speak to a doctor right away!

Can They Go Away On Their Own?

Well, here’s the good news. Most external hemorrhoids tend to go away on their own and usually within a few weeks. At the same time, their recurrence is also very much a possibility. Hence, taking the stated prevention measures shall come in handy.

Remove Your External Hemorrhoids At Home

Before we proceed, it’s important to acknowledge that no remedy or treatment will work effectively unless there has been a proper diagnosis, especially if this is the first time you’re experiencing symptoms. Hence, home remedies should only be explored once you have been diagnosed.

Here are some of the tried and tested ways to remove your external hemorrhoids at home:

Sitz Bath

Experts have long recommended this one for people experiencing painful hemorrhoids. The procedure is rather simple and involves sitting in a warm water-filled tub for at least 15 minutes, many times a day.

Moreover, a sitz bath is readily available at local pharmacies, eliminating the need to do it in your regular bathtub. A small bowl should be able to fit right over your toilet so you can easily soothe the region.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties make it one of the best remedies for helping soothe the inflammation of your hemorrhoids. Even though there isn’t much research to prove its effectiveness, it has surely done wonders to treat other inflammatory skin conditions.

However, make sure not to purchase anything other than pure aloe vera since a cream with other ingredients may not prove to be helpful at all.

Psyllium Husk

One of the best ways to soften your stools and enable them to pass easily is by incorporating a good fiber supplement. Again, the dosage should only be determined by a health care professional as increasing your fiber intake too much may cause stomach cramping and gas. However, regardless of the type of supplement you incorporate into your diet, make sure to drink enough water every day.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments in the form of over-the-counter suppositories should be taken after speaking to a health care professional. Moreover, make sure to get hemorrhoid creams containing hydrocortisone or pads containing a numbing agent for immediate relief.

Which Home Remedies Should You Avoid?

Remember, while there are several effective ones to help you experience immediate relief, some may cause more harm than good. Here are some of the worst home remedies that should be avoided at all costs:

Tea Tree Oil

Even though there have been claims that tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties provide relief from itching and swelling, there’s a definite lack of research in the area.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Excessive use of apple cider vinegar may exacerbate problems as it may end up burning your skin.

The Bottom Line

External hemorrhoids can cause excruciating pain if left untreated for a long period of time. From cracking and itching to bleeding, they may end up causing a significant amount of discomfort and may even hinder your ability to perform daily tasks. However, home remedies may only prove to be effective to a certain extent, especially if a diagnosis hasn’t been made yet.

Hence, make sure to speak to your health care professional before trying out a remedy, and in case an issue arises, put a hold on it immediately. Remember, prevention is always better than cure and having enough water and fibers is extremely crucial to make your stools pass easily and avoid recurring issues.

All in all, treating external hemorrhoids at home is surely possible but only with the right remedies and enough knowledge about them at hand.