
Castor Oil for Hemorrhoids: Can it Help Relieve Pain?

Castor oil for hemorrhoids

Castor oil is produced from the seeds of Ricinus communis, which is commonly grown in Southeast Asia, parts of Africa, and South America. A cursory look at the history of castor oil will show that it has been used as a powerful laxative. Although castor oil receives widespread media coverage due to its beneficial effects on the skin, it also has uses in relieving the pain associated with hemorrhoids.

With powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil has a lot of health benefits when applied topically to control inflammation, itching, and pain - these are symptoms commonly associated with hemorrhoids.

Talking about hemorrhoids can feel embarrassing, but it's fairly common among millions of people. In fact, 1 in 20 people in the US has reported piles (another name for hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids are mostly caused by straining due to bowel movements, but researchers haven't fully understood the condition.

Before we can understand how castor oil can help with hemorrhoids, it is important to define how it occurs,

Hemorrhoids occur when veins around the anal area get inflamed. External hemorrhoids are usually more painful because they are connected to sensitive nerves leading to extreme pain, burning, itching, bleeding, swelling, and clots. Internal hemorrhoids often go unnoticed, but they can also develop nasty symptoms such as bleeding and discomfort.

Most cases of hemorrhoids clear away on their own with home remedies, but severe cases may require medical intervention (especially if the hemorrhoids develop an infection such as gonorrhea).

How to Use Castor Oil for Hemorrhoids

When it comes to home remedies for hemorrhoids, castor oil is a powerful ointment that is enriched with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, making it the perfect topical to soothe away the pain, expedite healing, and provide respite to your intestines. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain and swelling.

You may notice a decrease in pain after using captor oil. Moreover, castor oil is a natural moisturizer rich in ricinoleic acid that can be used to ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Castor oil may also be used to relieve constipation on account of its laxative properties. Constipation and straining during bowel movements are a common cause of piles, and castor oil can prevent hemorrhoids and manage symptoms.

How to Use Castor Oil for Hemorrhoids

When using castor oil for medicinal purposes, use the best quality castor oil that you can find. It's your health we're talking about! Organic, virgin castor oil is the least processed variety available and will have the most potent health effects.

You can take castor oil internally (in moderation) by taking it regularly or applying it to the anal area externally. Both application methods can manage your symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Below are a few ways of using castor oil to manage hemorrhoids:

Add it to your diet: You can cook with castor oil. It's a good idea to spread one teaspoon on toast with peanut butter or use it for cooking popcorn instead of butter.

Mix castor oil with witch hazel: Witch hazel is a popular home treatment for piles. You can combine the effects of witch hazel with castor oil to soothe the pain and discomfort. Use a mix of a tablespoon of witch hazel with castor oil and apply it to a cotton swab. Next, you can apply the cotton swab directly to the hemorrhoids. This home remedy is more effective when you're taking a warm bath.

Create castor oil suppositories: It is easy to create suppositories of castor oil by shaping castor oil into pencil-sized cylinders. Freeze the suppositories until they are ready for use. The combination of castor oil with the freezing temperature can provide immediate relief to the pain and discomfort.

Mix castor oil with turmeric: Turmeric is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a powerful solution for managing hemorrhoids. The effect is multiplied when mixed with castor. Try mixing castor oil with turmeric to create a potent mixture. Use a cotton swab or tissue and apply it directly to external hemorrhoids.

Bathe in Castor Oil: Warm water and coaster oil can provide instant relief to your hemorrhoids and shrink the swollen veins. The captor oil will also make your skin silky soft as an added benefit.

Side Effects of Castor Oil

Castor oil can cause gastrointestinal side effects, especially if your body isn't used to it. This means it may cause side effects such as vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, and bloating. It can also cause dizziness. Because of these reasons, it is recommended to start with just a tablespoon of castor oil per day and gradually increase your doses. Do not consume more thanthree tablespoons of castor oil per day.

If your doctor has told you that your hemorrhoids have been caused by diarrhea, do not use castor oil, as it may aggravate diarrhea and worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Below are a few things to consider when using castor oil for hemorrhoids:

  • Always use organic cold-pressed castor oil from a trusted brand
  • Consult a doctor if your symptoms are getting worse
  • It should be noted that castor oil only provides a sense of relief from the pain and doesn't cure hemorrhoids.

Alternatives to Try With Castor Oil

Castor oil is amazing for hemorrhoids, but there are other things you can try too. Other home remedies to try include witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera. Consider using a squatting stool to pass your bowel movements with less straining. The reason with regular toilets is that when you sit down, it puts a kink in your lower abdomen, making it more difficult to push harder for passing bowels. Squatting relaxes your muscles and keeps the colon straight, rustling in less straining and a smoother experience.

Wrapping Up

Thanks to the numerous healing properties of castor oil, it can be suitable for home remedies to help you combat hemorrhoids and alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. However, if castor oil or other home remedies haven't helped you manage your symptoms after a few weeks, make an appointment to see your doctor discuss other treatment options.