
What Kind of Attire Should Be Worn if Someone is Suffering from Hemorrhoids?

Right attire for coping with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are inflamed blood vessels surrounding the anus and rectal canal. Chronic constipation, prolonged sitting, genetic tendencies, old age, and pregnancy could add unhealthy pressure on the rectal canal, causing the vessels to get damaged. These damaged vessels get swollen to form blood pouches called hemorrhoid bumps.

While some hemorrhoids disappear in a few days without medical intervention, some may persist for longer. These persistent hemorrhoids tend to get larger and more painful, making everyday activities such as walking, sitting, and sleeping challenging for the patient.

The commonality of the disease has contributed to excessive research and studies to help design effective treatment methods. Hemorrhoid treatment may include surgery, drug store medication, organic remedies, and conscious care at home.

If a patient makes deliberate effort at following the hemorrhoid care tips, they can fully recover in no time. One of these tips revolves around the person’s attire. The wrong kind of attire could cause a hemorrhoid flare-up, while the right type could aid in recovery.

Continue reading below to learn about the kind of attire one should wear and avoid when suffering from hemorrhoids.

How Does Fabric Play a Part in Hemorrhoid Treatment?

Hemorrhoid bumps can exist externally and surround the anal opening. When a person sits or walks, the frictions between the buttocks could cause pain, distress, and bleeding. Careful selection of fabric could help reduce this friction.

Moreover, excessive walking or hot weather could cause a person to sweat between the buttocks. The moisture could add to the irritation and increase the chances of infection. A breathable fabric could help soak up excess moisture and dry the hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, prolonged sitting could press the hemorrhoid bumps against the seat’s surface. The added pressure could cause hemorrhoids to rupture and bleed. Also, if the surface of the seat is dirty, the chances of the hemorrhoids getting infected get higher. The right choice of attire could help avoid this.

What Kind of Attire Should Be Worn if Someone is Suffering from Hemorrhoids?

The right could of clothing, washing, and changing routine could help shrink and eventually treat external hemorrhoids.

Wear Loose Fitted Trousers

Wearing loose-fitted trousers made out of thin fabric could help reduce pain, irritation and chances or hemorrhoid flare-ups. Loose-fitted trousers allow less friction between the hemorrhoid bumps and the fabric. This allows the hemorrhoids to rest and heal, and avoids chances of bleeding or rupturing.

Wear Thin Cotton Underwear

Wear thin cotton underwear under all their clothes. Cotton is a light, breathable fabric that allows the hemorrhoid bumps to stay well-aerated for better healing. The cotton underwear would quickly soak up any moisture or sweat, keeping the affected area dry and clean. Any other thicker fabric would cause moisture to build up, increasing the chances of infection.

Cotton underwear would provide an added layer of protection to reduce friction between the trousers and hemorrhoid bumps.

Moreover, if a person is wearing a skirt, the chances of moist hemorrhoids getting infected by a dirty seat are high. Wearing cotton underwear can allow the hemorrhoids to stay dry while providing a protective layer between the seat’s surface and the hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, ensure that the cotton underwear is loose fitted, and not too tight.

Loose Skirts

If a person is suffering from large and painful hemorrhoid bumps, they probably cannot wear a trouser. If they need to leave their house, a loose skirt would be perfect.

A skirt offers minimum friction between its fabric and the hemorrhoid bumps. Moreover, the airy design helps reduce sweating and keeps the area dry.

Change Your Clothes Frequently

No matter how thin and high quality the fabric of your trousers or fabric is, they still need to be discarded eventually.

Wearing the same trousers too often could make the fabric old and worn out. As a result, the trousers would not stay too airy and could harm the hemorrhoids. Similarly, repeating underwear frequently or not changing a pair on time would make the fabric less breathable and more prone to trapping germs.

Hence it is highly recommended for a hemorrhoid patient to invest in multiple loose cotton trousers and new underwear. Moreover, frequently worn underwear should be discarded in three to four months.

Wash Your Clothes Properly

Poorly washed attire could retain germs and increase a person’s chances of getting infected. Moreover, poorly rinsed out detergent could irritate the hemorrhoids causing itching and distress.

Furthermore, use gentle fabric softeners to keep your clothes soft and breathable.

What Kind of Attire Should Be Worn if Someone is Suffering from Hemorrhoids?

Tight Fitted Jeans

When suffering from hemorrhoids, fashion should not be your primary concern. Wearing tight-fitting jeans could add pressure on the hemorrhoid bumps, causing pain and bleeding.

Moreover, the thick jeans fabric could damage the hemorrhoid surfaces, causing a wound to form. An open wound could easily attract infections and become deadly.

Furthermore, tight jeans allow little air to reach the anus. As a result, the person could get sweaty and dirty between their buttocks.

Synthetic Fabric and Tight Underwear

Wearing underwear made of synthetic materials such as nylon or polyester could be bad for hemorrhoid patients. These fabrics are not breathable and can cause moisture to build up between the buttocks.

Moreover, underwear that is too tight or small would increase the friction between the fabric and hemorrhoids. As a result, the hemorrhoid bumps could get damaged.

Final Thoughts

Untreated and neglected hemorrhoids can catch painful infections that could pose a threat to a person’s life. Hence, one must pay attention to treatment and hemorrhoid care.

One effective care method includes wearing loose and breathable attire that helps reduce friction, sweating and chances of infections.

For more information regarding hemorrhoid pain relief and recovery, click here.