
Bleeding Hemorrhoids 101 - A Simple Guide to Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Bleeding Hemorrhoids 101 - A Simple Guide to Bleeding Hemorrhoids

What causes hemorrhoids to bleed?

Bleeding is most commonly associated with internal hemorrhoids. Their location within the rectal cavity leaves the swollen veins vulnerable to tightening anal muscles, fecal matter, and internal pressures. These same factors make it difficult for bleeding internal hemorrhoids to heal. But internal hemorrhoids aren’t the only bleeders. Severe cases of external hemorrhoids can also become lacerated, leading to blood flow and pain.

What to expect from your bleeding hemorrhoids.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a bleeding hemorrhoid (blood in your stool, in the toilet, on toilet paper, or flowing from the anal region), seek medical attention to have the situation diagnosed by a doctor.

When you are sure that your bleeding is due to hemorrhoids, you can expect pain associated with the passage of stool, often leading to incomplete movements, the remainders of which become hard, dry, and difficult to pass. Fecal fluids can worsen the situation, so try to keep things clean! And don’t be surprised to see blood flow continue even after a bowel movement.

What to do. If you find yourself in the uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing situation of having bleeding hemorrhoids, you’ll likely try anything to get better. When treating this ailment it’s important to remember what caused it in the first place. Whether it was diet, obesity, or constipation, knowing what got you into this mess will likely be a key to your salvation. After discussing your particular case with a doctor, follow these steps to get on the road to recovery:

Use Sitz baths: Sitz baths provide a respite from the pain while simultaneously helping to keep the anal area clean. Soaking in a bath tub can also soothe your pain. Try adding some apple cider vinegar to the bathwater for additional relief. And always remember: inflamed hemorrhoids are sensitive, so be careful with your water temperature.

Avoid straining and agitation Bleeding hemorrhoids will only get worse if they’re consistently agitated. Try your best to avoid excessive pressure during bowel movements. Afterward, use wet toilet paper, a bidet, or a shower to clean the area.

Eat a better diet Low-fiber diets are among the leading causes of hemorrhoids. Do yourself a favor and eat some fruits and vegetables—they’re delicious and far better than hemorrhoids!

Drink more water Staying hydrated will help your stool pass more easily.

Exercise more Aerobic exercise will not only help to counter issues of obesity, but it will also help to stimulate natural bowel movements.