
What Do Hemorrhoids Look Like? It's Absolutely Shocking What Hemroids look like!

what do hemorrhoids look like

Look at these shocking photos of hemorrhoids to see what they look like! Most patients looking to self-diagnose a case of hemorrhoids search for information on what they look like.

While there are several symptoms associated with hemorrhoids, many of them cannot be seen since they occur internally. To understand what hemorrhoids look like, it’s important to talk about the two types of hemorrhoids separately.

What Do External Hemorrhoids Look Like?

External hemorrhoids are more visible than internal hemorrhoids. Because the occur at the opening of the anus, you can self-diagnose or confirm medical professional diagnosis of external hemorrhoids by watching for specific signs and symptoms.

Unfortunately, since many symptoms of external hemorrhoids can be associated with other serious medical conditions, it is always best to visit your doctor for a formal diagnosis.

  • External hemorrhoids are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • Itching or discomfort around the anus or surrounding areas
  • Pain while sitting or before or after bowel movements
  • Lumps or pillow-like cushions at the opening of the anus or moving into the rectum

Appearance of blood in the stool or on your toilet paper after wiping following bowel movements

When you look at the opening of the anal canal, hemorrhoids may appear as a bulge. The swollen veins are often associated with pillow-like cushions surrounding the anus.

There are varying degrees of severity when it comes to hemorrhoids. Some external hemorrhoids may be small lumps that appear around the opening of the anus.

Others may be large and protrude from the anus. Most external hemorrhoids feel soft and can be pushed to change their shape. If an external hemorrhoid is thrombosed, it will feel hard and may have a purplish-blue color.

What Do Internal Hemorrhoids Look Like?

Internal hemorrhoids are harder to identify. Many internal hemorrhoids are symptomless.

For most patients, the appearance of blood in the stool during or after bowel movements is the only symptom associated with internal hemorrhoids.

Since they occur deeper in the rectum, internal hemorrhoids often cannot be seen. But there are two types of internal hemorrhoids that can be seen or felt and identified by their look.

Grade II and grade IV internal hemorrhoids can be seen. They are often pushed through the anal opening from excess straining. These are known as protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Grade II internal hemorrhoids do prolapse out of the anal canal as well, but this happens during bowel movements. Since they spontaneously retract back inside on their own, they are not often seen.

The two types of internal hemorrhoids that are seen are:

  • Grade III Internal Hemorrhoids- These hemorrhoids prolapse during a bowel movement or during any form of exertion. They need to be manually returned inside the opening of the anus. They can leave patients feeling like they have not fully completed their bowel movement. Like external hemorrhoids, grade III internal hemorrhoids appear to be pillow-like cushions that protrude out from the inside of the anus.
  • Grade IV Internal Hemorrhoids­- These hemorrhoids prolapse out of the anal canal. They cannot be pushed back in. They remain outside the rectum and often need to be treated by a medical professional. Some require surgical treatment.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Regardless of whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids, there are many treatment options available. Once you have determined that you definitely have hemorrhoids, either by how they look, by medical diagnosis, or by your symptoms, there are several treatment options.

External hemorrhoids can be treated by:

  • Self-care treatments such as ice packs, sitz baths, lifestyle changes, and better hygiene practices.
  • Over-the-counter remedies such as ointments, creams, suppositories, and wipes.
  • Diet changes such as increase in fiber-rich foods, addition of stool softeners, reduction of alcoholic beverages and spicy foods, and an increase in proper hydration and water intake.
  • Non-invasive procedures such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and laser therapy.
  • Surgical treatment such as hemorrhoidectomy and stapling.

Internal hemorrhoids can be treated by:

  • Lifestyle changes such as increase in water intake, adding more fiber to your diet, exercising regularly, avoiding strain during bowel movements, and addition of fiber supplements.
  • Over-the-counter remedies such as suppositories.
  • Non-invasive procedures such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and laser treatment.
  • Surgical treatment such as hemorrhoidectomy and stapling.

While it is sometimes difficult to identify hemorrhoids by sight, some external hemorrhoids may appear as lumps or pillow-like cushions around the anal opening. Many internal hemorrhoids cannot be seen.

If you think you are experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids, talk to your medical professional. With proper diagnosis and the right treatment, your hemorrhoids can easily resolve so you are back to living a comfortable and productive life.