
What Gets Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast?

Remedies for external hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids may be one of the most common health conditions globally, but the symptoms experienced as a result tend to be versatile. Regardless, problems or annoyances due to it tend to be extremely uncomfortable.

While most things about hemorrhoids are already known, people are not entirely aware of the fact that they’re something we’re born with. However, only when they start acting up do we notice them.

They tend to swell or bulge due to straining, constipation, sitting for prolonged periods on the toilet, heavy lifting, and pregnancy. As much as we know what causes them, it’s only fair to wonder what may help us get rid of them. So, let’s address the elephant in the room. How do you get rid of hemorrhoids? And most importantly, how do you get rid of them fast?

From in-office procedures to home remedies, here’s a detailed guide to help you get started.

Get Rid of Hemorrhoids By Moving

While exercises like heavy weight lifting, lunges, and squats tend to make the problem worse, others may equally be effective in helping you feel relieved. So, instead of practicing hard movements instantly, try going for a brisk walk instead. Once you’ve warmed up your body enough, try yoga or light stretching.

Remember, the key to reducing pain is to break up extended periods of standing or sitting. While relief is not experienced instantly, physical exercise is undeniably one of the most effective ways to keep pressure off of your piles and get your bowel movements to become smoother.

Don’t Increase Your Fiber Intake Abruptly.

Remember, adding any new activity to your daily life abruptly may end up causing more harm than good. Lack of fiber in our diets indeed is one of the leading causes of constipation as well as the resulting complications, but upping your intake suddenly may cause you to become gassy.

So, start out slow. Add food items like whole grains, broccoli, fresh fruit, and beans into your daily intake one after the other. Make sure to have at least 2-3 fiber-rich items daily and monitor any changes to your body in the meantime. You may start noticing that staying consistent has helped you avoid constipation. This also means that you’ll be straining less often and, as a result, irritating your hemorrhoids less often too. 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day should be a decent way to start out.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers Can Save the Day

While OTC pain relievers may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it won’t hurt to stock up on drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and Tylenol (acetaminophen).

Follow the instructions stated on the label and see whether you’re able to experience temporary relief from swelling and pain. If not, visit your health care professional immediately.

Drink Plenty of Water

Again, filling your body up with water may not help you experience relief immediately but forming the habit will prove to be an essential fixture in the long run. The standard amount of water you should be drinking is 6 to 8 cups or 1.5 to 2 liters. This way, you will not only be able to produce softer and more regular stools, but you will also be able to reduce straining.

So, start by keeping a fully filled bottle of water by your side wherever you go. If you’re not a fan of regular water, freshen up the hydration game by incorporating a cup of tea and infused water into your routine.

Get a Clot Removed

As opposed to internal ones, external hemorrhoids tend to cause a lot of pain and also blood clots. First of all, it’s important to acknowledge that while these clots aren’t dangerous, the resulting pain isn’t exactly worth experiencing. Sometimes, these clots resolve on their own after a couple of weeks, but if they don’t and if they constantly keep elevating your pain scale score, then consider getting this simple in-office procedure done.

Consult your health care professional and ask about getting a thrombosed hemorrhoid removed. This 10-minute long procedure involves a local anesthetic and some instruments to remove your hemorrhoid.

Remember, the first 24 hours are always the most painful, but they’re also the best times to get your clot removed, according to many health care professionals. However, don’t entirely rely on this information and consult your doctor for professional advice.

Apply Ice on It

This one is only effective for short-term relief from swollen and painful hemorrhoids as opposed to the previous remedy.

So, start by applying a cold compress or an ice pack on the target area for about 10 minutes at least three times a day.

Soak Your Lower Body In a Good Sitz Bath

This short 10-15 minute bath is by far one of the most recommended home remedies to help you experience relief from painful hemorrhoid symptoms. Make sure to fill the water in your tub to the extent that it effectively reaches your hips and bottom.

If you’re wondering how it helps you experience relief, well, this is how. It greatly reduces the spasms of your anal sphincter muscles, along with relieving itching and irritation. So, buy a small plastic tub or just take a shallow soak in your existing bathtub and see the results for yourself.

The Bottom Line

From remedies for short-term relief to those for long-term relief, you may come across several interventions to get rid of hemorrhoids. However, remember that not all of them may prove to be effective for you. The key here is to monitor your symptoms before and after applying a certain remedy.

Do not make abrupt changes to your routine and invest in the right diet, guidance, and of course, comfortable pillows to see gradual results. If you notice your symptoms and the subsequent pain and discomfort associated with them getting worse, go to a health care professional and seek medical attention immediately. After all, delaying treatment is never the way to go about it.