
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Don't worry; you're not alone.

According to The National Center for Biotechnology Information, over 75% of people will experience enlarged hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, but only 4% of them will seek medical attention for the condition.

Hemorrhoids are a recurring and chronic condition that, while rarely serious, can be quite uncomfortable. If you choose to ignore the signs, the consequences might be severe.

Underlying Causes of Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Hemorrhoids are a widespread problem that affects millions of people worldwide.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids, including anal itchiness, may be familiar to you, but you may not be aware of the underlying causes of these symptoms.

Hemorrhoids are very similar to swollen veins in appearance. Adenomas are enlarged and swollen blood vessels situated within the lower rectum or deep under the skin around the anus.

The rectum is the tube that links your stomach to your anus. Its principal function is to store and remove stool, which causes the tissue and blood vessels to become stretched.

The tightening of your blood vessels leads them to expand, weakening the walls. The continuous stretching and strain on your weakening blood vessels eventually cause them to expand, resulting in hemorrhoids.

Your hemorrhoids may be internal or external.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are positioned deep within the rectum and cannot be seen or felt without specialized inspections and treatments. Since there are no nerves present in the area where they form, most people are unaware that they have them and do not experience any symptoms. Internal hemorrhoids are characterized by bleeding, which is the most common and, in some cases, the only symptom.

External Hemorrhoids

In most cases, external hemorrhoids are found outside the rectum, typically near the anus. Since external hemorrhoids are formed close to many nerves, they frequently cause pain, itching, and other symptoms, such as bleeding. They also have a higher risk of developing thrombosis, which forms a blood clot within the hemorrhoid. Thorough medical treatment is required for thrombosed hemorrhoids.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can swell or expand due to pressure from straining, prolonged sitting in the toilet, chronic diarrhea, constipation, or heavy lifting. While pregnant, your risk of developing them doubles due to the additional weight of your baby.

In simple words, you must know how uncomfortable and annoying they can be. But did you know some effective ways to get rid of Hemorrhoids? Don't worry; we've done the hard part for you.

Use Topical Creams

Hemorrhoids can be quite painful and irritating, so head to your local pharmacy and pick up a topical cream or suppository that contains witch hazel or hydrocortisone plus lidocaine.

Topical creams are formulated with analgesics, soothing agents, and steroids, all of which can help to reduce pain and swelling.

Make sure to read and follow the label directions carefully, and avoid using topical creams for more than a week at a time because steroids can cause the skin to weaken over time.

Increase Your Fiber Intake

Most of us do not consume enough fiber daily, but including more high-fiber items in our diet, such as beans, fresh fruit, broccoli, and whole grains, can help you avoid constipation and return to regular bowel movements.

If you struggle to get the recommended 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day, consider taking a daily supplement that combines psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel) to assist you in meeting your daily goal.

Take your time if you're not used to eating fiber-rich meals because increasing your intake all at once can make you feel bloated.

Get Your Body Moving

Weightlifting, squatting, and lunges can aggravate or worsen uncomfortable hemorrhoids caused by straining; however, some exercises might help ease your symptoms and lower your chances of experiencing flare-ups in the future.

Regular exercise can help you return to regular bowel movements and relieve pressure on hemorrhoids. Having haemorrhoids should not deter you from going to the gym. Therefore, consider introducing gentle movements into your day with stretches or yoga exercises.

Make it a point to take breaks from sitting or standing for prolonged periods, as both can raise pressure on your veins and irritate hemorrhoids.

Seek Medical Assistance

If you are experiencing severe pain or bleeding, you should see your doctor within a week. Your doctor may recommend the use of over-the-counter lotions, ointments, suppositories, and pads if your hemorrhoids are only causing minimal discomfort.

A painful blood clot (thrombosis) produced within an external hemorrhoid can be treated by having the hemorrhoid removed by your doctor. This technique is most effective if performed within 72 hours of the clot growing.

In the case of chronic bleeding or severe hemorrhoids, your doctor may consider one of the numerous minimally invasive medical procedures. These procedures can be performed in your doctor's office or another outpatient environment and do not typically require the use of anesthesia.


Only a small percentage of patients who suffer from hemorrhoids require surgical intervention. Hemorrhoid removal (hemorrhoidectomy) and hemorrhoid stapling are two procedures that your doctor may consider if other processes have failed or if you have severe hemorrhoids.

Wrapping Up

We hope now you know how to get rid of Hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids are quite common. They have an annual impact on around 10 million adults in the United States.

As many as three out of every four adults will suffer hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Simply walking down the pharmacy aisle of your local grocery store will most likely show you a myriad of medications that claim to be effective in treating Hemorrhoids.

But what do you do if they don't work? Seek medical attention immediately.