Also alternatively called “piles,” hemorrhoids are swollen veins that form in the anal and rectal region. They usually have two different types, “internal” and “external” hemorrhoids. Itching, irritation, pain, and bleeding are some inconveniences caused by this condition.
Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Some hemorrhoids, especially of the internal kind, form and heal independently. Others can be taken care of with prescription and non-prescription medicines and some lifestyle changes.
However, severe hemorrhoids can’t be treated with simple home remedies. They can seriously hinder your everyday life if not dealt with through proper medical procedures. Surgery is the best option for extreme hemorrhoidal problems that self-medication and home remedies cannot cure.
Hemorrhoid Surgery
Surgery is often the only viable treatment for large external hemorrhoids prone to bleeding. The same goes for internal hemorrhoids that have protruded well outside the anus and grown exponentially in size.
Procedures like infrared coagulation and rubber band ligation are usually inadequate if your hemorrhoids have reached this stage. Moreover, surgery is a quickfire solution if you’re unwilling to wait several weeks (or a couple of months) for a non-surgical treatment to be completed.
Following a hemorrhoidal surgery, you can return to everyday life quite soon. In the case of work, some people need as little as one week of recuperation while others require 2 to 3 weeks.
Hemorrhoid surgeries can be performed using general anesthesia, local anesthesia, and spinal block. With local anesthesia, the patient is administered IV medication to sleep through the entire procedure. When a spinal block or general anesthesia is used, the surgeon places a metal scope into the patient’s anal canal. This is done to get a clear view of the internal hemorrhoids.
The doctor then lifts the excess hemorrhoidal mucosa to remove the hemorrhoids (both internal and external) with a scissor. Alternatively, an ultrasonic device is used to remove the hemorrhoids. Its advantage is that it can cut those lumps/bulges and seal the sensitive area afterward.
The post-surgery healing process will help bind the tissue to the underlying sphincter muscle. This will minimize the chances of your hemorrhoids returning. If your doctor has used sutures (surgical threads) during the procedure, they will dissolve with time and won’t have to be removed separately.
Hemorrhoidal surgeries are typically outpatient practices, meaning that you’re discharged from the medical facility the same day you go under the knife.
What Happens to Hemorrhoids After a Surgery?
Hemorrhoidectomy is a commonly used surgical procedure for treating internal and external hemorrhoids. Safe and effective, it can help you get rid of your hemorrhoidal problems once and for all. In other words, your hemorrhoids can disappear/disintegrate after a hemorrhoidectomy.
You can expect your condition to get better every day after a hemorrhoidectomy. Mild pain and discomfort may be experienced in the anal area during the first 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. However, you can expect to perform your day-to-day activities soon after the operation, and the pain will go away within a couple of weeks. You can also opt for some painkillers to get rid of the discomfort earlier if you want.
Light anal bleeding may also be experienced in some cases. There might even be dripping of a yellow or clear fluid from the anus. This is usually during bowel movements, but such post-op symptoms vary from patient to patient. Depending on your condition, they can last for a month or two after you’ve undergone a hemorrhoidectomy.
Try not to indulge in activities that require a lot of physical effort during the post-surgery recovery period. To that end, you should specifically avoid lifting heavy objects. Also, don’t strain during bowel movements and let them flow naturally.
Post-Surgery Recovery & Home Care Tips
You can do different things to speed up your recovery after hemorrhoid surgery. For starters, don’t hesitate to get some rest when you feel tired. Stay active without exerting too much physical effort. While full-blown workouts will have to wait, regular walks can be pretty beneficial.
The important thing is to let your body heal. Take measures to accelerate the process but don’t try to push it. Showers and baths can be taken as usual; just remember to gently pat your anal area dry with a soft towel at the end!
You need to eat well now! A lack of fiber intake may have contributed to your hemorrhoidal condition that needed this surgery. Now that the problem has been taken care of and you’re in the recuperation phase, it’s essential to consume plenty of fiber.
Ideally, you should start eating fiber-rich foods about 3 days after the operation. Drink lots of water as well so that your body is always hydrated. It will reduce the likelihood of constipation and make your bowel movements smoother. As a result, you would be less vulnerable to contracting hemorrhoids in the future.
If your bowel movements are still not right after the surgery, get in touch with your doctor straight away. You can perhaps take a mild laxative or stool softener on your own, but it’s better to run the problem by a qualified medical practitioner.
Your doctor may prescribe some post-op meds to be taken during the recovery period. For the best results, you should follow their advice to the letter. Get their opinion before taking any new medicines as well.
If you’ve been prescribed pain medicine, take it as directed. In case you aren’t taking a prescription pain med, ask your physician if it’s safe to go for an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics, and you should religiously follow the dosage until the full course is completed. Don’t stop taking antibiotics because you’re starting to feel a little better. Take them until your doctor suggests otherwise.
Numbing medicines (hemorrhoid creams, skin ointments, pain balms, etc.) can be used during post-op recovery if you’re feeling any pain. Apply them specifically before and after bowel movements for the best results.
Do Hemorrhoids Completely Disintegrate After Surgery?
Different surgical procedures like hemorrhoidectomy are highly effective in taking care of hemorrhoids. The post-surgery condition is different for every patient. However, the chances are that your hemorrhoids will be completely removed during a surgical procedure. After that, you just need to get the recovery right. If your hemorrhoids don’t wholly disintegrate after surgery, they will shrink away during the recovery phase. Doctors usually prescribe some cream or ointment in this case to help.